School Type
General and Grundtvigian Schools
- 2-week summer courses: 7.900 kr/total
- Other courses shorter than 12 weeks: 1.900 kr/week
- Courses longer than 11 weeks: 1.700 kr/week
- Signup-fee/Deposit: 500 kr
- Surcharge for single room: 500 kr/week
- Personal care/assistance: 180 kr/hour
About accommodation
Accomodations: 55
All of our rooms have their own bathroom.
Most of our rooms are double rooms, but we have a few single rooms that can be booked with a surcharge.
Join our extended autumn program with an annual trip to beautiful Crete. Subjects also organize study tours to places like London, Berlin, and Samsø.
Note that these trips are optional and not included in regular fees.
Our food is mainly ecological and includes fish, soup and vegetarian dishes on a weekly schedule.
On request we offer special diets suitable for vegetarians, diabetics, lactose-intolerants and gluten-allergics.
Disabled facilities
Most of the school are accessible for people with motoric-disabilities.
We stride to accomodate persons with mental disabilities during both education and time off.
Some rooms have accessible bathrooms.
We offer personal assistance on request.