International People's College

IPC brings people from around the world together for learning and cultural exchange. We focus on community, sustainability, and global understanding. Together, we create an open environment where differences are celebrated, and new perspectives emerge. The school is over 100 years old and was founded as a peace initiative after World War I.

About the school

Meet the World

International People’s College (IPC) is an extraordinary Danish Folk High School with students from all over the world! Every term we have about 100 students from more than 30 countries across the planet. At International People's College you can dream away with a Brazilian, eat with a Japanese, discuss politics with a Nigerian or listen to music with an American. We offer you a chance to meet the whole world in Denmark.

Our aim for the last 100 years has been to raise awareness of peace, promote cultural openness, and contribute to a world where diversity will be seen as a benefit and not an obstacle. We do this by fostering intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding through an intensive study program that will challenge your views and ideas. Our daily life and the classes we offer revolve around our core values: peace, respect, sustainability, democracy, equality, empathy, and social justice. Read more about our core values here.

Watch a film about International People's College here.

View photos of the folk high school here.

Read what former students say about IPC here.



Our core subjects

International Relations
Project Management
Sustainabilty og Ecology
Cross-Cultural Communication

Courses and topics

The starting point of any class at International People's College is the diversity of our students. The energy and the inspiration that comes out of that cannot be taught; it has to be discovered by being here! What you will learn though, is how to use this energy and inspiration that only happens when cultures engage, to become more knowledgeable, better and more skilled in using yourself and others - and have fun at the same time. All classes have both a global and regional orientation emphasizing personal development, professional skills, communication, community and creativity.

Every term at our Folk High School the best teachers from around the world offer more than 40 different subjects. In this way, you are allowed to mix and match your weekly schedule as you see fit. Like that, you can try out a lot of different subjects or immerse yourself in your specific interest.

Take a look at our subjects here.

Cultural evenings have been a custom at International People’s College for decades. Students from a particular region or continent get a chance to present what they believe is best about their home and their cultural background.
Read more about 'Cultural Evenings' here.



Practical information

International People's College is located in Helsingør (Elsinore), about one kilometer away from the ocean and from the historical 'Kronborg Slot'. Furthermore it is possible to take the train to central Copenhagen several times during the hour - it only takes 45 minutes to get there. In this way you get the best from two different worlds - the beautiful and peaceful scenery in Helsingør, and the rytmic pulse of the capital city of Denmark.

Our Folk High School offers spring & Autumn Terms of 12, 18 or 24 weeks - visit our website - for further information!

You can also follow us on Instagram to get an insight in the daily life at International People's College or 'like' our Facebook page International Peoples' College and read reviews from former students.



Our current courses

Short courses

Topic, 24. July - 13. August, 3 weeks
Topic, 24. July - 13. August, 3 weeks


Get the schools catalogs

Catalog short courses

School Type

General and Grundtvigian Schools


Click on the link below to view our course dates and prices:

View our Dates and Prices here.

Remeber to check your possibilities for VISA before applying - read more here.



About accommodation

Accomodations: 105

We have room for 110 students. Our Folk High School offers spring & Autumn Terms of 12, 18 or 24 weeks - read more here.

We often have waiting lists for becoming a student at IPC so remember to apply well in advance if possible!




Study trips are an integral part of the experience at International People’s College and gives you the opportunity to break the daily routines, change perspective, and focus on something entirely different. 

Read more about our Study Trips here.




We offer ecological food. It is possible to get vegan and vegetarian food. If you have allergies or the like, we will make sure to accommodate your needs.



Children at long-term courses




Conference and rental facilities

We have room for up to 110 students in single- or double rooms. Lecture hall, conference rooms, internet, technical equipment and kitchen available. The old town of Elsinore is at a walking distance. It is easy to get to Copenhagen by train.



Disabled facilities




Educational collaboration work




Contact school

International People's College
Montebello Allé 1
3000 Helsingør

Phone number: 49 21 33 61
Manager: Nelima Lassen