Jaruplund Højskole

A stay at Jaruplund lasts 3 months during which time you will experience intensive living and fellowship, absorption in your education as well as fun and games. You will meet students from all of Europe.

About the school

Jaruplund Højskole is looking forward to meeting you, when the next long courses starts.

We are offering 13 weeks of being together with young people coming from all over Europe.

We had people coming from

Ukraine - Bulgaria - Greek - Italy - Moldavia - Greenland - Latvia - Lithuania - Russia - Germany - Bosnia-Herzegowina - Poland - Romania - Hungary - Japan - Sweden - Norway - and of course Denmark.


We hope again to welcome young people from many european countries at our courses.



Our core subjects

International Relations

Courses and topics

Practical information

Check list for students at a folk high schools

  • Address: Please do not change your home address. Your stay at Jaruplund Højskole is temporary.
  • Health insurance: Please bring your medical card. We use the Danish health centre in Padborg in Denmark. In case of an acute disease we use a German doctor, and therefore we recommend that you ask the municipal administration to issue the formula E 111 which you need when seeing a doctor.
  • Post: You may use our Danish postal address:
    Jaruplund Højskole, Postboks 55, DK-6330 Padborg.
  • School fees etc.; The school fee must be paid in DKK. You can pay by weekly or monthly instalments through giro or bank or at the school office. Upon arrival every student pays 1.500 DKK on account for materials and school fee. Besides it may be useful to bring Euro for local shopping.
  • Bed linen: Please bring your own bed linen. You may also rent bed linen at the school at a price of 20.00 DKK per week.
  • Bicycle: We have a few bikes at the school which the students may borrow. You can also bring your own bike and send it by railway to Padborg, Denmark.

School Type

General and Grundtvigian Schools


The school fee is 1200 Danish.kroner per week including board and lodging and excursions.
On top of that there will be expenses for materials. Upon arrival every student pays a one-off fee of 500.00 D.Kr for photocopies and prints etc.

About accommodation

Accomodations: 51

Children at long-term courses

Contact the school for further information

Contact school

Jaruplund Højskole
Lundweg 2, 24976 Handewitt v. Flensborg
24976 Handewitt

Phone number: 0049 4630 969140
Manager: Karsten B. Dressø