Rønshoved Højskole

Rønshoved højskole (founded 1921) is one of the few remaining common classic folkehøjskoler (Folk High Schools) in Denmark. That implies that we build upon the core virtues of Grundtvig (1783-1872); Life enlightenment and enlightenment of the people.

About the school

Rønshoved Højskole offers a unique opportunity to experience Scandinavian living first hand. Immersing yourself in the life of a Danish Folk High School allows you to live this distinct way of life, which has become famous around the globe. 

Far from being only “hygge” and “work-life-balance”, a stay at Rønshoved Højskole means becoming genuinely absorbed into the culture, language, customs, dreams and social life of young danes in that stress-free environment, which characterizes Scandinavia and the Danish Folk High Schools in particular. Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind opportunity to dive into an exciting new culture in the caring environment of a Danish Folk High School!

Even though our school is Danish, we take special care to make sure that students from abroad feel welcome and at home with us. Practically speaking this means that our morning assemblies are translated into English, all messages are given in English and a variety of subjects taught in English are offered every Semester (see our english descriptions of subjects on this site). 

Our core subjects

Natural Science
Social Science

Courses and topics

At Rønshoved Højskole, you can choose between lots of different courses. All these courses can be combined according to your own personal preferences and scheme. We are not a people’s high school, where you can only chose one specific type of course. At Rønshoved, it is only your own imagination, which sets the limits of your combination of courses.

There is an idea behind our portfolio of courses. All courses aim to help you to understand, what it means to be a complete person, who are part of an obligating community. At Rønshoved, education is a broad concept, which not only cover humanities, but also includes creative and practical courses. Consequently, what is common for all our courses is that they intend to bring you to an understanding of what it is to be a complete human being, who lives together with other human beings. 

Some subjects will only be taught in Danish.

Practical information

Our school is situated just north of the Danish-German border with a stunning view over the Flensborg Fjord. We have our own park and bathing bridge as well as a beautyful forest just across the street. Living in the countryside, far from the stress and noises of the larger cities gives you the unique opportunity to focus and reflect, not only on the subjects, but on life itself.

A stay at Rønshoved Højskole will be a first-hand encounter with Danish and Scandinavian culture, but we have the rest of Europe in our own backyard. Situated 20 minutes from the Danish-German border, exploring Western and Central Europe is just a bus- or trainride away from Rønshoved. 

We take advantage of this central location, when we go on study trips to Germany (Berlin), Italy (Florence) as well as the Netherlands and Belgium, where we will be experiencing and learning about the diverse history, mentalities and cultures of Europe. 

This central location is unique to Rønshoved, no other Folk High School offers such a close proximity to the rest of Western and Central Europe. 



Our current courses

Long courses


Get the schools catalogs

Catalog long courses

School Type

General and Grundtvigian Schools

About accommodation

Accomodations: 120

You will typically share a room with a room mate. It is possible to get single rooms or rooms with your own bathroom. These come at additional cost.


We go on study trips to Germany (Berlin), Italy (Florence) as well as the Netherlands and Belgium, where we will be experiencing and learning about the diverse history, mentalities and cultures of Europe. Studytrips are a mandatory part of your stay.

Contact school

Rønshoved Højskole
Højskolevej 4
6340 Kruså

Phone number: 74 60 83 18
Manager: Thue og Nina Kjærhus