- Can you teach "togetherness"??
W/ Trine Sønderholm Larsen, Ollerup Folk High School
My answer is a big "YES" - but we need to incorporate the body through movements and sensory perception to explore all the benefits of US instead of ME.
My workshop is a physical class filled with movements, activities and creative dance, but we will also, theoretically, look at different pedagogical methods and thoughts that also shows HOW important it is to be aware and pay attention to each other... with the POWER of not only HAVE a body, but to BE a body!
The workshop is for all - no matter experiences of movement and dance!
2. International perspective on Sport
W/ Cristiane Fiorin-Fuglsang, Ollerup Folk High School
In this workshop, participants will get an introduction about the concept of sport for all and the international dimension of sport in our society.
No matter where we live, sport and physical activity is always part of our cultural heritage and in a non-competitive environment, can unleash our potential as human-beings who are designed to move.
The class will be theoretical and practical with examples of activities from different corners of the world, encouraging the participants to be active, physically and mentally.
3. Crossing The Threshold
- a storytelling workshop
W/ Theodore Garman, Free Teaching Academy
We are all the protagonist of our own life stories.
Come venture out and into the whimsical world and art of storytelling. This workshop focuses on the voice of a story, and the choices you, as the narrator, make when telling a story.
The workshop intends to interweave personal narratives with traditional story structures and storytelling methods, to draw parallel between one's lived experience and the content of traditional myths and folk tales.
- Making a Difference
W/ Søren Lerche, Grundtvigs Folk High School
Are you and your youth passionate about making a difference? Do you have a dream to change your city, to build a skate park, create an urban garden, create street art, build a shelter, collect garbage, create a concert venue, build a strong climate movement, or just take part in something completely different?
You cannot do this by yourself, how do you engage other local people and institutions to take part in "Making a difference"? We will talk about how to do this at the workshop.
We will drive down to Street-Lab 4 km from Grundtvigs Højskole and you will see an indoor community centre for young people created by folk high school students in collaboration with young people, parents and local institutions in Hillerød.
Street-Lab is a 1000 m2 centre with a skate park, nerf park, a football area, facilities for exercises, a café with communal eating, and concerts. We also distribute food to people in need twice a week and we are very active in the local community work.
Søren Lerche has over the last 12 years been a teacher at Grundtvigs Højskole – a folk high school in Hillerød north of Copenhagen - primarily in the field of community work. He received a master’s degree in Communication and Cultural Encounters from Roskilde University 2009.
He has many years of experience in working with marginalised young people, acting as a teacher, mentor, social worker and as an international speaker and consultant.
W/ Mette Heister, Grundtvigs Folk High School
At this workshop we will sing rhythmic choir that will make the roof lift. Everyone can join in as we shake, move and clap on 2 & 4.
Celebrate good times, come on!